I'm happy to report that I finally slept! Off and on for several hours, but I think it added up. Woke up, and pretty much went straight to working on some old photography I have around. Once I have about 8 images ready I'll start uploading them to the usual outlets.
I did feel moody today which is odd for me, even if I feel off, I know it's for no reason, so I keep it in check... But today small things were aggrevating me for some reason. But with the sleep issues, I'm sure it's natural. I ate today too, go me... Maybe too much, but when you have barely eaten for two weeks, that's probably natural too.
All in all it was a positive day, got some sleep finally, some grub, and got back to work on things.
Oooohh and I ordered something, super secret! The order process was simple, but screwy... I didn't use all the money off a certificate, but then they charged me for 1-3 day shipping, then I read in the email they send me that the order won't ship for 7-14 days... What's the point of express shipping(there was no free option) when the item won't ship for two friggin weeks... Ok rant over.
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