Thursday, August 19, 2010

Life, people and other great mistakes.

Hmm, personal life or professional life first. I guess the lines blur sometimes so let's just jump in. The last photoshoot was a mix of party and photography, and some ended up how should we say... Not exactly art, drunk people do funny things. Photographers tend to document. 12 hours of photography and debauchery and over 1000 images to sort. Of that maybe 10 will really make the cut. Wouldn't be so bad, but I was mostly shooting in raw not jpeg so I have to open each image one by one.
We went out for about an hour between photography visited zeal, and attempted to go to makeout. They told me "your pants are too long" I was wearing shorts. Two people dressed similar walked right in. And I saw photos from the evening, of one of my other models wearing shorts just like mine. So I'll be talking to Johan(runs makeout, dj friend). Bad choice doorman.
Everytime I get interested in someone they mess with my head, second time recently, I'm just glad I didn't actually start dating either of them. Wonderful people, I just don't like head games.
Hmm there's more I want to ellaborate on here, but Id rather keep some of my professional demeanor here, so I'll choose not to mention certain events.
I've also been doing design work on yet another website, we are retooling currently to redesign even though the site has launched.
I've been asked to take part in a model competition, that leads up to a fashion show, if I participate I will probably be bringing models of mine with me. The photographers involved have alot of opportunities so it may be a good option.

I spoke to my amazing children tonight, I really miss them, they start school in a few hours, I really miss being the one that packed lunchs cooked breakfast, and picked out clothes for them.

I guess I glossed over the love life, so let me backtrack a bit here. I am choosing to be alone, I've spent some time with someone I thought I liked this week, and they are great, but they don't measure up to the person I really like, and I'm pretty sure neither cares I'm alive, even though one invites me out all the time, and flirts constantly, and the other has random moments that confuse the hell out of me, she opens up and seems to care, then vanishes. It wears me out, I need something stable, or nothing at all. I have a kind heart, and lead a pretty interesting life, it'd be great to share it, but I'm not holding my breath.
There is an artist and musician collective that have asked me to join them, I guess in this case I'd be both, they hold meetings and just make art and music in mass. Sounds great. A few other photographers and businesses have approached me about collaboration. While I have to remain wary of collaborating it does sound good.
Had a guitarist lay down tracks for the brothers darqly today, I haven't had time to cut, eq and mix them in yet, but hopefully they work out.
I've been handing out demos to djs lately just to spread our work a bit more locally, I garner little interest in performing here, I've done that for years, it's just nice to promote in your hometown as albums finish and tours are planned. That was the main reason I was trying to go to the club, to get Johan and Francis CDs, but doormen are morons.
There's actually alot I'm leaving out here, I don't want anyone to feel weird about my open banter and mentioning too much about their lives.
Blah blah blah tons to do, we start filming this week too, there is a big photoshoot I've been planning, but my weeks fill up too fast to get it all worked out. I had models picked, but they won't keep in touch about scheduling, so I may pick different people. The location is amazing.


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  2. The cd meant for Johan found a loving home with friends. They said they listened to it all day, so they could dance to it at work tonight. The brothers darqly approve :)
