Very sleep deprived, stuck in my own head. Recalling how we used to name every song thought with a different revision number after it. Until a song had lyrics, it was always thought4.2, or a similar means to library our content. In That instance the .2 would be the second revision of the fourth song. The higher the decimal number, the newer the version of the track. Just an odd process, it led me to think about the word thought. In my own sleep deprived breakdown it went something like this:
Thought can be so many things... Like, "I thought that our naming scheme made sense, but then a thought occured to me, why did we name them that way?" The single form of the word can encompass several tenses, or states in time.
Led me to this conclusion:
Thought is the think of yesterday, as if in a brain dead patient. What is the beauty of having a soul, without the ability to ponder just that? The soul, the symbolic "heart", the emotion love, does it exist without the thought? Every person is instilled with a different idea of what love is, it is a very mental state, and yet does our chest not ache, physically hurt, with the loss of love? Even with a sensory understanding of the human anatomy, it still seems like one cohesive experience, the entire body senses as a whole, not the sum of it's parts.
This is breaking down in my head and leading nowhere, just sleep deprived journal 24.7, see in that instance the .7 would be.....
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