Thursday, February 9, 2012

In reply.

IThese are merely rapid fire answers to some of the questions asked recently:

It was merely the idea of romance this time, not even the actual state, that left everything broken. The mere idea that it could exist, changed me inside, I'll not turn back to save the hurt. Instead move forward with a wary vigilance. I didn't even know it was seeking me, until it was found, but gone too soon. Dissociative could describe my last year and a half. The heart stored high on a shelf out of reach, collecting dust. Someone had to climb up there, take a peek, and accidentally opened the crack, that had long since sealed. It now seeps precious fluid, even as the wandering eyes have long since passed. Now it wants again. How do we feed something, that we want to deny?

That's not immunity, you are the sickness. Rot-guts and fresh wounds, we are the patient 0's.
Holy crap that really is a Hebrew duck! Is that even kosher?
If knowledge is power, and time is money; I want to be the most powerful man in the world, unfortunately I don't have the time.

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