The moments that made life worth living. (in no particular order.)
Memories can be made any moment, of any day, though it seems nearly every moment worth remembering, was shared with someone else. You might be in here somewhere, not by name. Just memories. I won't bother putting ex, as a prefix to anything, because in the memory, it wasn't over.
The exact moment I became a father(my sons birth)
The day my daughter was born
My two weddings to the same girl(despite all the pain, there were some good years)
A late night talk, on a bench in a cemetery.
Unrequited love, every single, bitter-sweet one.
When we jumped off a balcony, ran, drunk, ditched all of the pretty girls, just to hang out and talk. Broke my foot jumping off there.
Every trip to incredible pizza with my kids and girlfriend.
When you gave me mouth to mouth, and saved my life, even though I don't remember it, I'm alive because of it.
When I sent a txt, that just said"tell me it'll be ok", and you replied"it'll be ok". You too saved my life.
Doing kind and selfless acts for others, even when they didn't understand. I've spent my adult life, trying to be what everyone should try to be. I hope at some point I did something for you.
When we sat and recorded together, and made something beautiful.
Long walks, with cameras in hand, snapping everything, discovering entire new ideas.
Every minute of every hour, spent on all the stages across the country. With everyone, yes even him. Those nights are all magical, even the loading, and complaining, getting sick, drunken behavior(whether yours, mine or someone else) we would always laugh, and share a one of a kind experience, no matter where we were.
Very recently, and very bittersweet, meeting family I'd never met, my cousins children. They look like her, and they are the same age as my kids, they're amazing, and they make me miss all three of you.
Going to see "it's a wonderful life" with you, holding your hand.
Walking halfway across town with you, to walk you home. Finally getting to know you.
Every intelligent, heart-felt conversation, whether we agreed or disagreed, it was enlightening.
Spending three days with you, on tour, aside from the amazing moments. Secretly falling in love with you in the process. I never told you.
That really brings up a lot of memories. I fall in love too easy, and I wait too long to say it, or I don't even do anything about it. If you thought I was falling for you, I probably was. No matter how innocent.
The first time I saw my daughter walk.
Watching the sun rise that morning in New Orleans, surrounded by my favorite people.
The tattoos above my knees, and the layers of meaning. Especially you.
Making breakfast for my kids, every time, no matter how tired, I had a smile on my face.
That first landed kickflip.
When I realized with both music and photography, I was being taken seriously. My passions, became my life.
Sitting on the balcony, watching the rain with you.
The pride I felt, with every major accomplishment. Not a single one was done alone. I have all of you to thank, for helping make those milestones happen.
The first bandaid I put on my sons scraped knee, even though he was crying, it made me remember when I was in the same position, and how I felt like my parents could fix anything.
The first time my daughter caught a snowflake.
Choosing art over love.
The day last year, that I hit bottom, for probably the third time in two years, but this time, I came to a decision, I forgave you for what you did, I let those weights go, because I couldn't carry my life forward, holding on to old pain. That said, the below section... I don't hold these in anger anymore, they still happened.
The moments that made life very hard to live.
The day Colby took his life.
The day Amy died.
When I found out Andy died of cancer.
When my daughter, wrapped her arms around my leg, and said,"it'll be ok daddy, don't cry."
When I awoke in the hospital, and saw my hands covered in blood.
The night I blacked your eye, maybe I don't remember, but our bond as brothers was never the same.
The night I called you, and tried to commit suicide.
When I thought I could trust four strangers, because you said I could. The brick, the hospital, the next month of recovery.
Every wasted day, spent in fear, self loathing, or anxiety.
The day you said you hate me. You very much meant it.
Watching your heart break, slowly, and not being able to stop it. You're better than that.
Leaving all of my friends behind.
Leaving you behind. My entire family shamed me that day.
The result of that test you took. And knowing I can't be upset about it.
Valentines day, at least four of them, that hurt very badly.
Deciding to call you, to take care of the kids, so I could help get my mother the treatment she needed. That day you took them, put a dark cloud over me, that never passed.
Anytime things got so mundane that I disrespected you.
Holding my son, in the snow, waiting for the ambulance.
When I realized I had failed, despite all good intention, I had wasted years of my life.
When I realized the love wasn't there anymore. It wasn't anyone's fault, we just grew apart.
Not answering your calls, staring at the name, crying.
When I knew you liked me, but decided not to do anything about it, because I was moving, and didn't want to break your heart.
Being so alone, and feeling like it'll never change.
Seeing people get what they deserve, no matter how bad they are, or how long it took. It always comes, and it's never good seeing someone hurt, even if it was karma.
Every stupid, cocky, intoxicated night, I'd act like an ass, and wake full of shame.
The things I can't change about myself, the things that lead me to self-hate. No amount of willpower or responsibility can change most of them.
My addictions, past, present, future. We're all addicted to something in every part of our life, usually to multiple things. Realizing I can't change that, is worse than the addiction itself.
The dissolving of every music project, it never gets easy to know you'll never share that stage again.
Wishing you would die. No matter what someone does, that is a wish wasted on hate.
When my own dr gave up on me, I was old enough to know better. Yet young enough to be very hurt and confused.
When we let the sickness go too far, our denial changed our lives forever, and bound us to something we have to live with. I regret what I was about to type here.
Choosing art over love.
Setting this list down, and realizing, I can't change, or add to, a single thing on it. That is the point of memories, they are the past. There is so much longing, so much regret. Time has faded our bonds, whether unkind words, misunderstanding, death, or merely hundreds of miles. I can't change, fix, make up for, continue, or properly tell you how I feel. A literal pull is on my heart, because it's not in my chest, it's with you.
This list will be added to over time, but that's all of the goods, bads, and the rollercoaster I can handle right now.
I love and respect you.
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