Sunday, July 1, 2012


I am not Lucinda darkly. I often tell people to search my full moniker, lucid s darqly, if they want to know me well. I'm not a fictional character in an erotic/goth novel,(though that might be preferred).
So google has decided to offer this fictional character as an alternative to me, the names only vaguely similar. Please note I only mentioned "that" name once, if I were to type it over and over it'd appear as more hits in a search, for instance if I were to type:
Lucid S Darqly, Lucid S Darqly, Lucid S Darqly, Lucid S Darqly, Lucid S Darqly, Lucid S Darqly, Lucid S Darqly, Lucid S Darqly, Lucid S Darqly, Lucid S Darqly, Lucid S Darqly, Lucid S Darqly, Lucid S Darqly, Lucid S Darqly, Lucid S Darqly.
It might hit more often in searches, though I'm barely erotic, goth or fictional. I am part all three. I doubt I'll be a series, though there is another named Lucid, and he's much more interesting than I. #mykidsareawesome

1 comment:

  1. P.S. I'm sure it's a great book/series, or in short...
