Saturday, December 15, 2012

Past life fascination. People get caught up in their past lives, and unlocking the mysteries. Personally right now, I'm more caught up in the recognition of past lives, I've lived in this lifetime. I've been at least twenty different people to countless lives that I became close with. There's obvious things: father, musician, artist, photographer, sideshow freak, lover, skater, stoner, guy with the goatee/tattoos/dreads/piercings, and a million other vague descriptives. Then there are the chapters and layers of life, at points I was very different things to different people, and they had very different, though not fully developed understanding of who I was(am).
This is, of course true of anyone, but why don't we think it's odd when we change so completely? You can wake up one day with a new name, a new set of friends and a new purpose. Isn't it at least slightly sad that we left the old life behind though? I enjoyed some of those lives, I miss them, and I cannot, no matter how much I try, ever reclaim them. What if I'm not happy with this chapter? When can I start the next?

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