Sunday, December 30, 2012

Wake up America

You'll Seldom hear me speak if politics, because in whole, I think the process is broken. I'm self-proclaimed anti-politics. I did vote for Obama, the first time, but for me it was more about the experience of voting than anything.
However, on the brink of this somewhat imaginary fiscal cliff everyone is suddenly worried about, all you can find on the television are round table discussions between people wearing expensive suits.
These reptiles are so removed from what the actual American population needs, that I have to walk away after a few topics.
Healthcare and services for the people-"let's cut funding to social security and Medicaid/Medicare." one of them admitted smugly that he has the same benefits as his brother that works on electric lines. Really? So you applied for free healthcare, why? Sell you're Armani and pay for a year of blue cross. Let someone else have those benefits you don't need. How'd he even qualify?
Gun control- "let's have everyone store their guns in a gun club, so they can just practice shooting there." ok, so when someone is breaking into my home, I can just hop in my car, drive down to the club and grab my gun, come back home and defend it. Great idea. How many weeks after opening this gun club is someone going to break-in and have everyone's guns? Just to file off the serial numbers and hand sell them to criminals. Genius.
Immigration - here's where I finally walked away. "immigration is a fairly simple problem to solve compared to these other issues." well we've only spent decades trying to figure out a fair and just way to control the flow of immigration and still be the great country with open arms that we're supposed to be. That should be simple to fix.... It's not hard at all to decide if a family that's lived here for thirty years should leave. It's not hard to figure out if someone truly wants to better their life by living here. You're not going to do the jobs, that you complain about them stealing. And you'd never work for the amount of money they bring home. Simple to fix.

Of course all of this was moments after a presidential speech, which they picked apart and reworded everything he said, to make him look horrible. It's not that I'm a huge fan, but he's trying, and these shows all have their own agenda, if he says something positive, they have to twist it, to make it look like he's picking fights. They completely misquoted him, twice, when he was admitting that both parties needed to change but that they were passionate because they cared for the country.

Now if I may rant for a moment... America has a money problem? Ok, here's where we start. Don't attack the middle and lower class. How about this:
Tax professional athletes, not in the minor sports, they don't make all that much. But football players bring home millions yearly. Tax them on a personal level or in a general way that spreads evenly. It's my belief they won't consider things like this because they believe America needs sports to boost morale. I'm not talking about cutting the sports, just having them help their country.
Have each Brad Pitt and Ridley Scott give 10% earnings to the country, to the debt. I like these people, Hollywood is important, but it's also got more money than it knows how to spend. A year of taxing films and actors, we'd be well on our way to erasing debt. One year of these people's lives. That's not a big sacrifice.
Or the rich can worry about hoarding, while other countries make plans to invade. One EMP and all of those 1's and 0's you have been hoarding in the bank. Vanish. We're all set back to 0.
Please excuse the rant, just listen to the country, the people, not these people that live in "their" America, which is nothing like ours. Yet, they sure are opinionated on how WE should suffer to fix it all.

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