Friday, January 20, 2012

Lucid S Darqly?

Lucid S Darqly? Wow that is goth. What the hell does the S stand for anyways?
I'm glad you asked. See kiddo technically it stands for nothing, yet symbolically, stands for something. In one short step I'll teach you how, with common everyday products you already have in your kitchen or bathroom, you too can solve this question. In one easy step you will start to understand. First let's gather what we need:
1. A 2-liter bottle cap,( it must be a 2-liter, coke products work better, but are not required.)
2. An empty cardboard toilet paper roll
3. One (no.2) pencil
4. One blank sheet of paper (wide-ruled is preferred)

Got you're items? No? Ok I'll wait.
Yeah? Ok, let's begin.
Step 1. Lay down the sheet of paper on a flat, dry surface.
Step 2. Set the 2-liter lid in the middle of the paper.
Step 3. Look through the toilet paper roll at the lid from a 45 degree angle.

Do you see that? No?
Ok let's try it this way, then you'll understand.

Step 1. Remove the bottle cap from the paper.
Step 2. With you no.2 pencil write the abbreviation for Lucid S Darqly on the paper.

Now you're starting to get it champ. Way to go!
Ok, now would be a great time to throw away all those useless items I made you gather. I'll wait.

Ok, now then LSD, what is this magical abbreviation?
Magical indeed Timmy!
See as a whole the Lucid and the Darqly come from two different parts of life, Lucid a nickname given many years ago from countless hours of lucid dream experimentation, and Darqly a last name worn in honor of what began as a stop animation endeavor, and ended up as a website, and music project. It all began with The Brothers Darqly, originally founded for art, soon crossed over to music. Borrowing the name style from a bygone era, from two influences: The Brothers Quay, and The Brothers Grimm. This was a symbolic badge worn with the two real life brothers.

You still haven't explained the S.

I'm getting to that damnit! Timmy just be patient.
Now take all of the information I just gave you, and throw it away... All lies.
Whoa! I hope you didn't really throw them away, we may actually need those a little later on, shh now, don't worry, I wouldn't waste your time twice.
Now let's throw this S back in there and abbreviate.
LSD? Sounds familiar. To understand this further, we're going to have to take a small trip. To Germany, where else? All good abbreviations start there!
Bless you!
Oh that wasn't a sneeze. That's German! Common mistake. See this is translated to:
lysergic acid diethylamide
In English, that funny word, made three smaller but similarly funny words.
But that's LAD?
Whoa now, who told you to skip ahead? We're getting there...
Actually, not so much. Honestly there's no reason that Americans abbreviate with the German spelling. Well maybe one, there's is a theory. If you ask me, I think they were on lysergic acid diethylamide when they named it.

Make sense? No? Well I tried. Moving on.
Now we know that the S in LSD is from lysergic acid diethylamide which makes no freaking sense, so now what is the S in Lucid S Darqly stand for?

Nothing, absolutely nothing. It probably makes sense in German. But it was just some cool gothic gimmick, so you'd all question it, until you abbreviated it. Then you'd be like,"ooooh", then you'd be like,"oooh", and finally you'd arrive at,"oh."
So what've we learned today?
Well let's not question everything and just have fun. Maybe relax, eat some LSD. Just don't over-think a nickname, they're just words Timmy. Just words.
Now, where are your parents? They swore they'd be here by six.

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